About RCA

Statement of Belief

We believe that the Bible is the only authoritative, inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God, and that the Scriptures are our final rule in all matters of faith and practice.

We believe that there is but one, infinite, personal, and perfect God, eternally existent in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully God.  God’s existence and character are determined by Himself alone and are not dependent on anyone or anything else.

We believe that God created man, male and female, in His image and for His own glory.  Man’s purpose in life is to bring glory to God by enjoying Him forever.  Adam, the first man, sinned in his disobedience toward God thereby breaking fellowship with God, and through such disobedience sin extended to all mankind.  We are all born sinners, spiritually dead and relationally separated from God.

We believe that Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, perfect Man and truly God, came to earth to fulfill the divine law through perfect obedience.  Having lived a sinless life in obedience to the Father, He gave His life on the Cross as the perfect, complete sacrifice for sin.  On the third day, God raised Him from the dead, after He had provided a full redemption for all those who, by God’s grace through faith alone, turn from their sins and believe in the name of Jesus Christ.  A personal faith in Christ, which is the gift of God, is the way to eternal salvation for all mankind.

We believe that the Father has given Christ all authority in heaven and earth; that He is Sovereign Lord of all creation and every area of life, not just “religious” or “spiritual” life and that as Christians we are commanded to love Him with all our minds as well as our heart and soul.

Christ is the way, the truth and life intellectually as well as spiritually.  His Word is the source of all truth, and apart from knowing and submitting to His Word true understanding and wisdom in any subject is impossible.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.


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  • I feel that my family has a partnership with RCA. — RCA Parent Read more
  • RCA is helpful and the people are caring. RCA is a great place to learn about God, gain knowledge and has a great curriculum. RCA is fun! I love laughing with all my friends I’ve made. — RCA Student Read more
  • RCA is a very friendly environment. I like RCA because many kids were mean to me at my last school, but here everyone just welcomed me and made me feel happy. — RCA Student Read more
  • The Bible is a place of needed learning, and RCA is based on it. — RCA Student Read more
  • Excellent education in a Christ-centered environment — RCA Parent Read more
  • Christian Compassion, Excellence in Education — RCA Parent Read more
  • Our son has had the best teachers in Rhea co. both academically and as people. RCA just works because the teachers care! — RCA Parent Read more
  • Family friendly — RCA Parent Read more
  • Parent involvement encouraged — RCA Parent Read more
  • Faculty and staff showing Christ's love in action — RCA Parent Read more
  • Small teacher to student ratio — RCA Parent Read more
  • When I think of RCA I think of a safe school where all the teachers are caring and know you by your first name. — RCA Parent Read more
  • Great environment & fun — RCA Student Read more
  • Spiritual embodiment within the education — RCA Student Read more
  • A good atmosphere — RCA Student Read more
  • Teachers that teach with purpose and truly care about their students — RCA Student Read more
  • Good Christ-centered education — RCA Student Read more
  • RCA brings to my mind thoughts of grace, love and family. My family has been blessed to meet and know other families that attended before our kids enrolled. By His grace, we learned of the school and the wonderful environment it was. The love that is poured out for the kids, and by the kids, is amazing. Being a part of RCA is truly like being a part of a family. I feel that my child is treated not just as a student, but a part of a family, part of the Body of Christ. Knowing the love, care and instruction that he receives is a true blessing. — RCA Parent Read more
  • Striving for excellence in a God fearing environment. — RCA Parent Read more
  • God blessed beyond our imagination. — RCA Parent Read more