In The Classroom
11th - 12th Grade
2024-2025 Supply List

School Supplies
RCA High School -- Fall 2024
General Guidelines
Please bring a water bottle to school every day.
High school students must have a laptop or access to a computer that has internet capabilities and a word processor (e.g., Microsoft Word, Pages, or Google Docs) and a presentation tool (e.g., PowerPoint or Google Slides).
High school students must have access to a laptop or tablet (no smaller than an iPad mini) to bring to school as needed for use in class for research and other teacher-designed purposes. Cell phones will not be allowed to be used as a calculator or research/study tool or for internet access in the classroom or on school grounds.
Realize that as supplies run out, students may need to purchase more throughout the school year. For example, if a student runs out of paper or her pens run out of ink, she will need to bring more paper or pens to school.
Basic Supplies for 11th/12th
Colored Pencils or Pens
Dry Erase Markers
One Pack of College-ruled, Loose-leaf Paper
One Ream of Copier Paper
One Box of Kleenex
One Container of Clorox Wipes
Algebra 2
Graphing Calculator (Must be TI-83 or TI-84)
Cell phones cannot be used as calculators
Thick, multicolor dry erase markers (turn in to teacher)
One 3-ring binder with paper
British Literature
1.5 inch binder with pockets
Dividers for binder
College-ruled notebook
1 pack index cards
1 pack post-it notes
College-ruled notebook or loose leaf binder
One pack index cards
One pocket folder
Government & Economics
3-ring binder with loose leaf notebook paper
Art Journal - spiral with unlined pages - 9x12 with a side spiral
an example of what Mrs. Gardner wants is below
Legal Pads or Flow Pads
Bible (ESV preferred)
Huhuhero lined journal notebook (can be found on Amazon)
Health/Personal Finance
3-ring binder with loose leaf paper
College-ruled notebook or loose leaf binder
One pack index cards
One pocket folder
Bible (ESV preferred)
Huhuhero lined journal notebook (can be found on Amazon)